
Using natural resources


Our geothermal power station

The only geothermal power station in Europe is located in the east of Bad Blumau- here, energy in the form of heat and natural CO2 is extracted from the earth's mantle through a drilling process.
The water of the Vulkania® curative spring completes a true circle - first the 104°C hot water of the Vulkania® curative spring is used to generate energy, then it flows back to the heat exchangers of Rogner Bad Blumau before it finally returns to the first borehole where it is injected back into the earth.

The geothermal energy system of Rogner Bad Blumau is a showcase project not only for Europe, but the entire world. With this sensible and environmentally friendly way of using energy, Rogner Bad Blumau has a leading role in environmental awareness and protection.

A sustainable and self-contained cycle of water. Living in harmony with nature.

Sustainable resource Vulkania® curative spring

Water valuable as gold. A gift from nature. The Vulkania® spring, which rises from the earth at its own pressure with a temperature of 104 ° C, supplies 1,555,200 liters of water per day. Sustainable use of natural resources. According to our values, honestly, consciously and with joy.

104 ° C outlet temperature · 1,555,200 liters of water per day · Daily 12 tons of natural CO2 · 685,029 kWh of electricity were generated in 2019 · Heating of the entire area · Savings of up to 6,800 liters of heating oil per day · Pilot project Aquaponics · Bathing like in the sea .

Natural carbon dioxide (CO2)

Over the past thousand years the Vulkania® water has been enriched with natural carbon dioxide. Today, the geothermal power station generates 0.5 tons of CO2 per hour and is used to regulate the pH-value of the water at Rogner Bad Blumau. The rest of the energy that is not being used is sold to various other industries.

12 tons of natural CO2 are generated each day.

Green Energy

Since August 10th 2001 Rogner Bad Blumau has been self-sufficient in generating its own power. The hot Vulkania® water creates steam that drives the turbine and the generator.

In 2019, a total output of 685,029 kWh of electricity was generated.

Emission-free heating

Geothermal energy has been used to heat Rogner Bad Blumau since December 31st 2000. After generating power, the Vulkania® water still has a temperature of 85°C. This is sufficient to heat the facilities of Rogner Bad Blumau even at an outside temperature of minus 20°C.

By using geothermal energy an total amount of up to 6,800l heating oil can be saved per day in the cold season and it spares the environment 4,500 tons of greenhouse-gas. This has the same benefit for our climate as 2,700 cars less per year.

Pilot project Aquaponics

The Aquaponics pilot project is a new, innovative approach to the sustainable use of natural resources and is located directly at our geothermal power station. The aquaponics system at Rogner Bad Blumau is a pilot project that combines fish farming with the cultivation of herbs and vegetables and thus enables sustainable and environmentally friendly production.

NEW in 2020: Sustainable fish farming with our valuable thermal water. Pilot project Aquaponics in Rogner Blumau.

Bathing like in the sea

In addition to its sustainable use, guests at Rogner Bad Blumau appreciate the strongest curative spring in the entire thermal region, in particular because of its beneficial effects for the guests’ health and wellbeing.

Natural and curative · 15,000kg minerals dissolved in water · 37 ° C bath temperature · Salt on the skin · Floating · Bathing like in the sea.



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